We hiked around, and saw some whales.
Check out the view
That is the hotel at the top.
A nice little beach with cabanas, and chairs. There were quite a few scuba divers around. Which Kieran thought was quite facinating.
The resort is amazing to with a golf course, spa huge pool, nice restaurants. I think I know where I want to have a kid free getaway!
After dinner we went down to Manhattan Beach Pier to watch the sunset.
Kieran playing peek a boo.
Look at those cute little fat feet!!
We are so lucky to live so close the the beach, it is beautiful here.
Do you live in Manhattan Beach? If so, I'm looking for a mom of toddlers to write about her trips and travels with the little one(s). I'm the new local editor for http://manhattanbeach.patch.com and my name is Liz Spear. Andrew Kersey is the outgoing editor and we are working together. My email is lizjspear@yahoo.com and phone # is 310-613-6016. Thanks, Liz
COULD THAT REALLY BE YOUR CHS VBALL SWEATSHIRT???? I couldn't quite tell but I think it might be! HAHAHAHA Love it!
Yes Gina it is!! I still have and sometimes wear it.
I think its important to not that these pictures were all taken with my iphone quattro, sometimes it's more about the artist than the paint brush and paint.jb
These beach pictures remind me of the Bluff In South Africa.
Those cute little chubby feet ,I just want to kiss them.
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