Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I don't know if I am the only one that does this but frequently I ACCIDENTALLY dress me and my kids in the same colors. I seriously do it without thinking. I will get dressed then get Kieran and Rhys dressed, and shortly after I will look and one of them, then look and me, and what do you know we are in the same colors, ahhh. Maybe I just am thinking in those colors that day I don't know, or maybe I am just crazy.


Ashley and Ezra said...

I love the matching thing... whether on accident or on purpose!!!

Megan said...

Mackenzie! I do this exact same thing all the time. Usually I won't even notice it until someone comments. Weird. Maybe we can only really handle planning out one outfit per day so we just decide once and unconsciously repeat it? Maybe we just need to get more sleep...

adrie said...

I do that too - all the time! I think on certain days I am in the mood for certain colors and that's just the way it is.

Streett's said...

I do this all the time too! I heard Kieran is sick, bummer! I hope he feels better soon!