Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Day

This was our first year having Christmas alone with just our own little family. We missed everyone but it was nice having Christmas at our home, and start our own family traditions. I love having a little boy in our home, it brings the magic out in Christmas. To see the excitement and joy he gets when he saw what Santa brought and opening all his other presents. We had so much fun together.

Santa's was good to my boys!

Kieran has known exactly what he wanted for a while now. And he thought of it all on his own. So he was so excited to see Santa brought him a scooter.

Rhys piece didn't know what to think of it all, he liked all the toys and boxes and paper though.

Rosie, our neighbor Kieran loves, got him this wagon. So we took it for a ride around the neighborhood.

Kieran trying out his new leaf blower with daddy.

Rhys going for a ride.

After a day full of fun and play, and a family nap:)(my favorite). We had some friends over for dinner. I neglected to take photos of that though.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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