Tuesday, March 29, 2011

11 months

So I can't let the little guy go unnoticed this month. I know there has been a few months I have skipped over blogging about his milestones.

Rhys is such a sweetheart.
He is such a good baby, and is such a joy to have his around.
He is so happy all the time and gets the giggles frequently.
Especially when his bother is doing something crazy, he will laugh and laugh.
He loves Kieran and follows him everywhere and always wants to play with him.
Kieran had a hard time when Rhys first started crawling, he was mean; hitting, pinching, stepping on his hands. He did not like this new mobile Rhys. Now that it has been a few months, they are really starting to get along much better and actually at times play "nicely", and make each other laugh.
Rhys still hates riding in his car seat even though we faced him forward, 3 months early - shh. Every time we walk to the car he starts whining and arching his back.
He likes most food.
He loves music and dancing he starts "bobbing" his head and sometimes his whole body with the beat.
He is not the best night sleeper, but I don't mind cuddling, since for whatever reason my boys refuse to cuddle when they are awake.
He likes to stand all the time and is starting to cruise.
Rhys piece is sooo cute, I can't get enough kisses, and is always good for a smile, you just have to look in his direction and he will give you a toothy grin.

Kieran and his classic silly face.


Kim said...

he really is a happy baby. Those are two cute boys

Cassie said...

he is absolutely adorable!!!!

nicwoo said...

Oh boy, your boys! Happy eleven months :).

Jaime Stephens said...

Those boys are so cute... I love the picture with johnathan and his boys getting ready for the baseball game cute cute