When we got in to town Thursday night we all enjoyed some tasty BBQ. Rhys escpecially loved the ribs, it was hilarious.
Lucky for me my good friend Krista from high school lives there. She had the day off, so we got to spend the whole day together. It was nice catching up, and seeing her again.
While we were enjoying an Angels game Friday afternoon, we look over and see our friends the Strickland's walking up the stairs. We had no idea they were going that same weekend!
I must of ate something bad because I woke up the next morning not feeling good at all. But regardless of how I felt we still had plans for a Dodger game and wouldn't miss that.
We drove around in the morning killing time before the game started and spotted some people playing horse shoes. Like the serious kind with score boards and everything. How fun would that be to play horse shoes every Saturday.
We had great seats, but everyone with a crawler/napper knows when sitting in one tight spot for hours your little one can get very wiggily and cranky fast. Luckily they had this great small merry-go-round and a nice grassy area to run around.
My two biggest Dodger fans.
We met our friends the Streett's at the game. Kieran was of course crazy excited that Stockton was there.
After the game (dodgers lost) :( we headed home. Fun weekend of baseball, now we are all excited for the season to start! Especially Kieran who wants to wear his baseball shirt all the time and play baseball ALL day everyday now.
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