Tuesday, May 3, 2011

beach day

We took granny and grandpa and the cousins down the the beach to play for a while. It was such a lovely day.

Always eating the sand.

Granny, Kieran, Jade, Jory, and Liam

Liam, Jory, Jade, and Janice

Rhys loves the ocean, he always crawls straight back to the water when you take him away.

Have to get rinsed off. :) Sorry Kieran!

After the beach we had a BBQ and then headed off to an Angel game to make it three days in a row of baseball games.
It was funny Kieran kept shouting no Let's go Dodgers when the crowd would shout Let's go Angels. A true Dodger fan.:)

Rhys actually fell asleep which was a miracle, he never cuddles up and sleeps.

And we got to watch Friday night fireworks which is always fun!


Jonny and Kara said...

You're family is so cute! I love Rhys' chubby rolls! :) And you look great!

nicwoo said...

Jealous of the beach time and ball park! Still to cold for us...
Cute boys!