Saturday, May 7, 2011

Good Bye Streetts

Our really good friends, the Streett's moved away to Boise, Idaho. :( Not only were they our good family friends but Kieran was best friends with their little boy Stockton.......and Kylee's grandma is married to my grandpa so we are step cousins:).......if that is such a thing. We miss them but are really happy for them and their move. Luckily they picked a good spot to move and we can see them every now and again when we visit grandma and grandpa Beck.

Good bye hug. These two saw each other almost every day.

Kieran has a pretend phone that he calls him on everyday and tells him what he is doing. He also prays for him and Kylee every night, its really cute.

1 comment:

Streett's said...

Those cute boys, I can't believe we split them up! :(
Thanks for posting yet another awful picture of me...ugh! :) HAHA!
Kieran is so sweet! We miss you guys SO MUCH!!