Thursday, August 4, 2011

Road Trip

Mid July we took off on a two week journey to Utah and Idaho. We drove over 3500 miles and touched into 7 states while doing it. We took our time and enjoyed the scenery along the way.

First stop The Hat for their World Famous Pastrami Sandwiches, on our way out of town.
We stayed in Mesquite and headed to St. George in the morning. We stopped by the temple, then went to the Tabernacle, which has an awesome water feature outside that the kids had a blast playing in.

We had planned on going to Zion's but when we saw it wasn't too much further to The Grand Canyon we decided to head on over their instead thinking we could hit up Zion's in the morning.

Rhys isn't quite walking on his own yet but always wants to and is very independent. So everywhere we went he wanted to walk but needs my help and would pitch a fit squirming and pushing to get down when I would pick him up.

The Grand Canyon! It was beautiful and amazing, but very scary with two little kids and a not so safe railing with a narrow path leading to it.

Everywhere we went that day Kieran asked if we were at Utah Granny's house yet since he knew we were going there, the answer was of course always no. At 8pm we reached a hotel in Kanab, Kieran was asleep and we woke him to go inside, he looks around "Are we at Granny's?" And burst into tears when I said we are going in the morning. So we decided to just go straight to Granny's that night. He didn't care about doing anything but getting to Granny's house. It was worth it, he was so excited in the morning to be with Granny and Grandpa.

Johnathan had to go work for a few days so me and the kids got to stay at Granny's and play with his cousins. Johnathan's sister Kim lives in Daybreak, a cute little neighborhood. We took the kids to play in the fountain by the shops.

Kieran and Emily.

Johnathan's other sister Janice lives in Payson. We went down for a visit and went to the local pool.
Jade and Liam.

After a few days of fun and play we headed up to Idaho for a Beck and Brandon family Reunion at Island Park. On the way we stopped at Bear World which was so fun and the kids loved it!

Jade, Gemma, Kieran, Rhys, and Liam

All the Brandon grandkids. Kieran, Liam, Rhys, Emily, Gemma, Jade. Johnathan's mom made all these cute little outfits for the kids to wear over the weekend. Numbered in order of their birth.

We went to Yellowstone Friday with Johnathan's family. We had never been there before. I don't know why I never have. I am from Idaho and went to school in Rexburg, but somehow never made it up to Yellowstone until now.

It was beautiful!

We saw so many deer who just came right up to the cars and walked along the roads. I guess they are just used to all the cars and people.

We attempted another photo with the kids but Rhys had just had a 10min melt down and was not over it and wanted nothing to do with this picture.

Old Faithful! It shoots out every 90 mins or so.

Firehole Springs

That night some of us went to the local rodeo.

My nephews Beau, Damon, and Issac with all the other little kids got to chase a calf and tried to pull a ribbon off him for a prize. The boys had a lot of fun doing it.
Rhys was such a mommy's boy and wouldn't let anyone hold him. My dad tried and tried though. He finally let him for a minute until he spotted me.

Saturday was the Clarence Beck Reunion held at my uncle Doyle Beck's cabin. Clarence is my grandpa Becks dad so there was a lot of people there. It was so fun to see all my cousins and relatives again, whom I haven't see most of them since my wedding 5 years ago if not longer. There was a dunk tank for the grandpas/dads, face painting, a bounce house, horse shoeing, boating, and more.

DJ Tim

Me and all my sibling. Jeremy, Kirsten, Jolie, Tim, me, and Cade

This is Big Springs a Natural National landmark, which is the start of the Henry fork of the Snake River. The water was so crystal clear and beautiful.

The way home we stopped at Mesa Falls. Which were also beautiful. After living in LA for 5 years coming back to Idaho and Utah in the great outdoors everything is SOO beautiful, all the mountains and rivers, and lakes, and trees. All while we were driving we couldn't stop talking about how pretty it was.

Stopped in for a Huckleberry shake in Ashton. We drove through Rexburg which was fun for me since I went to school there and haven't been back since I graduated. So many fun college memories there. It looks a little different and they have added this lovely temple since then.

Just watching a little Surf's Up on the way to Boise.
Kieran will hate me when he is older for this, but it was so funny at the moment, pooping on the side of the road in his little potty.

We made it to Boise!
Went to a Boise Hawks game with my parents and the Streett's. Then Johnathan had to work again for a few days, while I hung out with my family.

Played in the park with all the Beck cousin's.

Hung out with Stockton again!

Went to the Train Depot for a picnic and play with all the cousins.

Every summer my mom does a "camp out" one night in her backyard. Roasts hot dogs, marshmellows, and she sleeps in a tent with all the grandkids. They all had a blast.

All the Beck grandkids. Issac, Lucas, Damon, Beau, Scarlett, Madeliene, Rhys, Trevor, and Natan.

We said our goodbyes and started on our long trek home. We stayed in Utah one night, Mesquite the next. Stopped in Las Vegas to the The famous Pawn Shop, and take a break. Then from Las Vegas home it took us 12 hours, yes 12! Never leave Las Vegas on a Sunday.


Richard & Gaye said...

It was so nice looking at all the pictures,Except my HUUUUUGE !! fat arms But oh well Can't say I'm not trying.
You must have been glad to get home,Sorry I sent you off after only one nights stay on the way back.

Richard & Gaye said...

It was so nice looking at all the pictures,Except my HUUUUUGE !! fat arms But oh well Can't say I'm not trying.
You must have been glad to get home,Sorry I sent you off after only one nights stay on the way back.

Streett's said...

Fun fun! Stockton keeps asking to go places with Kieran even though I keep reminding him he isn't here, he's just sure it won't be long till he's back! :)

kate said...

What a trip! Jealous you made it to Yellowstone...we had to cancel our trip there.

And my brother lives in Daybreak now...guess he just goes wherever J's siblings are. Such a cute community, right? Jealous, jealous.

nicwoo said...

You guys are road warriors! Love the Canyon and Yellowstone pics, they don't even look real.