Monday, June 4, 2012

Baby Girl

I feel so terrible that I haven't posted anything about my baby girl growing in my belly yet.  (We had problems with iphoto and I have been lazy about blogging.)  But I am pregnant with baby #3 and a little girl.  We are all really excited!!!  I am due November 7, 2012.


Jonny and Kara said...

WHAT?!?! Oh I'm so excited for you!!!!! How fun! Next time you're in Idaho, give me a call and I'll come up and visit! :)

nicwoo said...

Ooooh, wonderful. Congrats to you and yours. You have wonderful men to look after her! :)

Cassie said...

So exciting!!!! That's news to me too, I had no idea you were pregnant!!!!

Streett's said...

Wahoo for a girl!! You are so lucky! We are way excited for you guys!