Monday, December 13, 2010


Johnathan had business meetings in Puerto Rico, so I had my sister-in-law Flavia (Tim's wife) and her son Natan come down to visit and keep us company while daddy was gone. Kieran got to know his cousin Natan or 'Batan' as Kieran would say, a little better since he had only met him a couple times.

We took them down to the Pier to watch the sunset.

Went to Disneyland a couple of times, which is always a good time at Disneyland.

Johnathan got to go with us the second time since he was back in town.

We watched the night parade, which was crazy busy on a Friday night during the holidays.

Johnathan cut 'Batan's' hair.

AFTER- look how handsome

They took a bath together and had a blast dumping water on each other's heads. (Natan has NO fear of water)

Thanks for coming Flavia and 'Batan'. Sorry about Natan falling in the pond at Polliwog.:(

1 comment:

Jaime Stephens said...

Looks like fun... Nice hair skills Johnathan!