Thursday, December 9, 2010


Johnathan's parents decided to join us in California for Thanksgiving. We were all excited to have granny and grandpa, auntie Wendy, and Genevieve come visit. And I am sure they were excited to escape cold Utah for a few days.

We took the to the Long Beach Aquarium, a place Kieran, Rhys, and I frequent since we are annual pass holders. It was much for fun to go with family.

The aquarium reopened the birds section and they are some beautiful, friendly birds. If you have some food or just stick out for finger they will hop right on. Kieran loved it, and loved holding them.

Touching some star fish. You can touch little shark too. Kieran sticks his hands right in. I won't touch them though I am too scared.

We took them down to Terranea Resort down in Palos Verdes to walk around. The boys threw rocks in the water. And the girls relaxed on the chairs and watched.

Rhys chillin' in the chair

On the walk back we saw some prickly pears/cactus, and Gaye(Johnathan's mom) said that you could eat them. So Richard and I picked some, I wanted to try them. Well we never ended up eating them but we did end up with sore fingers. They are so pokey. I don't think I will pick those again.

The table ready for our feast.

My grandma used to make these every year for Thanksgiving to set by the plates. Kieran and I did a little art project and made them. He painted and I put then together.

Little Suzie made the trip this time. And of course Kieran loved having a dog at the house. Suzie is quite the snuggler and like to snuggle under a blanket, in a pillow case or in Richard's sweater. Kieran watched and thought it would be a good idea if he could try it out.

Nothing like a good old leftover Turkey drum stick.

Friday we went shopping downtown LA, which is always a good time. Rhys couldn't get enough of my mango.

Genevieve and Gaye checking out the boots.

We had a great time, we love having visitors, and wish we could see granny and grandpa, and aunties more often.

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