Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I have to make a tribute to by dear sweet grandpa Rawlins who passed away 3 weeks. He died at age 83 of pancreatic and liver cancer, it took him quickly so thankfully he did not have to endure the pain for very long. He was an amazing person and grandfather. He always had a smile on his face and only had good things to say about anyone. He has always been a big part of my life especially my childhood years growing up in Idaho. He loved and always took time to spend with his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I have many great memories of sleepovers, with bedtime stories of The Night Was Dark and Dreary, breakfast in bed, and all the scooter crunches from Swans I wanted. Memories of helping in the garden, from planting all his many tomato plants, picking cherries, to mowing the lawn. I can't leave out camping, we went on countless camping trips every summer to Silver Creek Plunge. The day of my baptism when I was 8 years old he had to work late and missed it. He felt terrible and later that week brought me a rose and took me out on a date to dinner.

Since I have lived away and haven't got to see him as much he always was so excited when I would call. Always answering Rawlins Residence he would hurry and get my grandma on the other phone so they could both talk to me together. Every time we came to town he would be sure to make the dessert Johnathan and I both loved. I am so grateful I got to see him one last time to say good bye and be by his side when he passed.

I love you grandpa and miss you and will always cherish the memories I had with you.
I love you,
Mac-a-doodle, Vamp


Kim said...

What a nice tribute to your Grandpa. Sorry he passed away, but glad you have so many good memories from spending time with him.

Camber said...

Kenz, this make me cry. I'm so glad you have all of those wonderful memories with him. I still miss my Grandpa and reflect on our memories quite often, and he's been gone for nearly 10 years now. Isn't it a blessing that we know where they are and the great work they are doing? Love you girl. Sorry to hear of his passing.

nicwoo said...

Purely sweet.
So sorry for your loss.

Christina Rose //floresdelsol said...

So sorry about your grandpa kenz!! Glad to see this tribute though, he sounds like a great man!

Cassie said...

I have been thinking about you and your family and my grandma lots! He was such a great man and you are right ALWAYS happy! I will never forget spending the night over there with you and getting breakfast in bed and playing in their playhouse. Such fun memories!

eli&joelynn said...

Oh Mackenzie.. I am so sorry. What a gem of a picture and a log of sweet, sweet memories!