Thursday, June 2, 2011


The past five weeks me and the boys have been to Disneyland once or twice a week! Ahh.... it has been fun and we have been on almost everything the boys can ride on but needless to say I am kinda happy about our blacked out summer.

We are so excited about the Cars 2 movie that comes our the end of June. And even more excited about the Cars land being built in California Adventures. Kieran can't wait for it to open next year.
I got to meet up with a good friend from high school Andra and her family, and catch up while enjoying our time at the happiest place on earth:) Kieran really liked her daughter Emma.

Kieran and Tyler. She is six years old and is such a little mom it is so cute!

This picture doesn't do it justice but Kieran's face is priceless when he sees one of the characters walking around waving at people and especially when they wave at him. This particular day we went with our friends the Candell's and we happen to get front row at the beginning of the new parade. All the characters waved and Kieran and Peter Pan even shook his hand he was so excited.

Rhys is such a good sport and has always been really good. His favorite ride is Small World and gets excited and starts clapping and bobbing around when we go on this one.
Dumbo is Kieran's favorite. And daddy gets to meet us after work sometimes.

Atticus and Kieran outside Pooh Bear's ride.

Kieran always asks who we are meeting there and remembers what level I parked on. He always asks to go on Dumbo or the Rocket and says but not Pirates.
Until fall Disneyland, we will miss you!

1 comment:

nicwoo said...

That is such a keepsake experience! I love that you had a little mommy helping out too. Kids are so incredible.