Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Edible Crafting

We have been doing some crafts and the kids love that you can eat what you are playing with, especially Rhys.

They did finger paints with chocolate pudding.
It is so funny watching them. Kieran is a neat person and could care less about eating the pudding and was painting pretty clean. Where Rhys couldn't get the pudding out fast enough to eat it.

After he saw it all over Rhys he thought he would get in on the mess.

Another day I made edible play dough made out of peanut butter, powdered sugar, and honey. Rhys couldn't get enough of it to eat! They had a good time playing and eating. It made enough to save some for later. So I got it out again with just Kieran so Rhys wouldn't wreck everything.


Kim said...

Handsome boys!

nicwoo said...

Okay, Mackenzie, I took notes! FUN. You are such a great mom.