Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Kieran

Kieran had a birthday on June 13th. He is a big 3 year old now. Wow..... I can't believe I have a 3 year old. Where has the time gone. I love this age it is such a fun age. Kieran has quite the personality. He is very funny and quite the tease. He loves baseball, the color blue, mac n'cheese, and Lightning McQueen. He is very clean and organized and likes things in its right place. He is very observant and notices things I never would. When he does anything it has to be done just right or he gets really frustrated. He is a little sweetheart (most of the time) and I love spending my days with him.

Kieran had two weeks of celebrating his birthday. Since all his grandparents and cousins live far away, he got packages in the mail almost everyday for two weeks. He LOVED getting all the packages, so thank you to everyone who thought of him and took the time to send him something.

He got a new real metal bat from daddy.

Trying out his new bike he has wanted for months.

We went on a walk on the strand and stopped at the beach for some baseball. Then went and got his favorite dinner and came home for cupcakes.


We had a baseball party for him and his friends. It turned out to be a cooler night than expected but we still had a great time. The kids played baseball, and we had a baseball pinata.For the food we served nachos, hot dogs, Johnathan's homemade mac n' cheese, peanuts and cracker jacks. I made a baseball cake with ball cupcakes that turned out pretty cute. Kieran loved his party and all the attention!


nicwoo said...

Fabulous party! Great job with it. ...And I'm just now thinking that a baseball IS the perfect pinata! Happy Birthday, Kieran. Big boy for sure.

Unknown said...

It looks like so much fun! We were so sad to miss it. We still have his gift too! So we'll have to get together and bring that to him when you're back.

kate said...

Yea, Kieran! And YEA another awesome Brandon party!